Community Accreditation

We challenge you to become a Frog genius!

However, 17 schools contacted us on Monday with problems directly related to performance. We have successfully resolved the situation in most of these schools and are now working with a handful to get them back on track.

We now believe that not only is Frog working well, it is working faster than it was before the school shutdown.

As part of the Frog Digital First Training, brought to you through the new Professional Development platform, we are offering the opportunity to test your Frog knowledge whilst working towards a Frog accreditation.



There are three levels to our accreditation:


Level 1 | Advocate

Simply register yourself to collect.

Frog's Professional Development Platform can take any of the modules you've already completed and have them count towards this course.  If you're keen to work towards Level 2, then that deserves recognition.


Level 2 | Specialist

Demonstrate your understanding of Frog to collect this level.

A Specialist knows all of Frog's tools and can produce rich and creative resources.  You'll need to work through all of our training modules, covering each aspect of Frog, from site building, through quizzes to ePortfolios.


Level 3 | Genius

Show complete mastery of Frog and share your knowledge to top the levels.

If you're a Genius, then you're using Frog to transform your school.  You'll be asked to demonstrate how you are sharing your  Frog know-how with others through a series of tasks.


To get your Advocate accreditation please register using the form below...