A little bit of Inspiration
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See what happened when 48 Students from Sir Robert Pattinson Academy descended upon the Frog offices in Halifax!

Cambridge Assessment provide an insight into the best of teaching and learning, specifically the best of assessment from around the world

BESA feel privileged to be able to provide members with regular industry “barometers”.

Find out about the amazing things staff at Rugby High are doing using FrogLearn, with the aim of going paperless!

Frog Play brings the fun back to learning at Hungerhill School and helps students to retain knowledge!

The St Columba’s College vision is to make Frog the hub of the school - to ensure they are saving teacher's time!

Yorkswood Primary School was looking for a secure assessment system and a way to standardise teachers’ judgements across the school.

The central need in raising pupils’ levels of attainment is to drive their ownership of learning - see how Finham Primary School did this.

How to balance acquisition of knowledge with creativity in the curriculum - see how Falcons School for Girls did this.

Launching Progress at Finton House School was a team effort, with Frog listening and enabling us to tailor it to our needs!

See how Northfield School's governors are managing their portal with very little input from IT staff.

How Sir Robert Pattinson Academy launched FrogLearn with students driving the change!

Willows Primary School is an Ofsted Outstanding school with around 400 pupils all of whom are using Froglearn.

Pimlico Academy share how they use ePortfolios with Year 7 Drama students as an engaging way to share.

How Talbot County Public Schools are using the 'the best Learning Management System' hardly anyone has heard of.