Who's involved
Life after Levels is supported by a wide range of influential people and organisations from the world of education. This team of professionals provides the expertise and guidance to shape the Life after Levels strategy and resources to give schools the support and confidence they need to succeed with the new curriculum and assessment framework.
Life After Levels Experts
Mick Walker
Former Executive Director QCA, accountable for National Curriculum Tests 2009-2011
Gareth Davies
Co-Founder and Managing Director of Frog Education, Member and Director of a number of MAT's and School Governor
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Partners and Contributors
Frog Education
Frog exists to effect change in education through innovative technology
The largest professional association for school leaders and head teachers in the UK
Professional membership association to improve standards in educational assessment
Rising Stars
An educational publishing company who have produced an extended version of the National Curriculum for key stages 1 & 2
Step Up
Designed by CPTSA which is a national teaching school based in Birmingham
Phone 01422 250800
Email hello@frogeducation.com
Life After Levels is a collaboration founded by the NAHT and Frog Education. It exists to help schools take best advantage of the opportunity that’s been presented by the removal of National Attainment Levels.