Curriculum Designer
Curriculum Designer is FREE software for all schools which they can use to build and manage their curriculum. It has been made by our partner Frog Education to include all the curriculums and exemplar materials from our collaborators and partners.
See what Curriculums and Exemplar Standards are in Curriculum Designer
Ensure coverage
Agree standards
Improve teaching
Improve outcomes
All for free!
I have a curriculum that I want to distribute to a large number of schools, can I do that using this?
We have multiple acaemy trusts, teaching schools, subject associations, and many other groups building their own curriculum using this free software and then distributing it to multiple schools; either to build a moderated set of exemplar standards, or to provide a shared curriculum to work from.
Phone 01422 250800
Life After Levels is a collaboration founded by the NAHT and Frog Education. It exists to help schools take best advantage of the opportunity that’s been presented by the removal of National Attainment Levels.