Frog's new child focussed interface

As part of our Earhart release, we have introduced a game-changing collection of applications.

All of your rich learning and progress data can now viewed in a single application for teachers, students and parents to see.

This includes access to school Homework, Calendars, Timetable, Reports, Attainment data, Attendance, Behaviour, Markbooks and Progress data including the ability to both view and update evidence towards targets and learning goals!



An application designed for Parents

You still keep all that rich information about the school and parental communication but now you can engage you teachers and parents further by bringing everything together within one simple interface.

Timeline of school life
Timetables & Calendars
Attendance, Assessment and Behaviour


An application designed for Teachers

The My Class application provides teachers with a list of their classes, the ability to select an individual student within their class and look at the students learning profile.

View all Markbooks
View all Progression Charts


An application designed for Students

Here students can take control of their learning by viewing the homework, their progress summary and even upload evidence against their target criteria.

All learning in one place
Evidence learning