For many Frog schools, moving to a virtual school model of operation is nothing new. Frog works with schools around the world and our community has encountered closure through everything from natural disasters, to severe weather patterns and even social upheaval. Business continuity planning means not just finding new ways to facilitate learning but finding ways to keep the whole school running. Here we are sharing some of the ways in which schools use Frog to carry on with business when the world closes down...
Watch a collection of videos created by different schools that demonstrate how they are using Frog to engage, interact with and teach students!
Share your Frog experience and help others to be inspired!
If you’re a Frog school, it would be great to get similar videos from you to share with other schools.
Some are leading the way during these challenging times, but in truth, most are catching up. Let’s aim to get everyone on the front foot as quickly as we can. If you would like to share your Frog experience please get in touch to dicuss the next steps...
Email: customersuccess@frogeducation.com
Phone: 01422 250800
Capturing your clips
If you haven't done this before, one bit of software we've found useful is Flashback Recorder. You can send your clips to us in any way you choose - WeTransfer, GoogleDrive or simply upload to your Frog platform.