Case Study
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Personalisation for Parents with FrogCode
British International School Riyadh
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Engaging using Frog
British International School Riyadh, located in Saudi Arabia, follow the National Curriculum for England to the end of Year 9, GCSE courses in Years 10 and 11, and A levels courses in Years 12-13. They benchmark against private and leading state schools in Britain and have 55 different nationalities within the school.
Parental Engagement
Engaging parents in their children’s education and involving them in school-life is something that many schools seek to achieve. Yet for British International School Riyadh, they had more reason than most to focus on parental engagement…
“We are in an unusual situation where over one third of our members of staff are also parents at the school.”
- Natalie Ward, Data Officer
When the school first investigated FrogParent for their Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and app, they realised that staff parents would have to search the entire database to find information about their own child. This was not only inconvenient but also raised data protection issues that they wanted to address.
They approached Frog to see if there was anything that could be done to alleviate this issue.
The Solution
To help the school overcome this challenge, Frog recommended the use of FrogCode as a solution. FrogCode expands the possibilities of Frog technology, enabling schools to create their own widgets and applications. In this instance, the Frog team helped the school by designing a widget which would recognise staff parents when they logged in. It would also automatically associate the parents with their children, so that they would only see the data that was relevant to them.
“This was a game changer as it meant we could introduce a new parent site that could replace our existing system.”
- Natalie Ward, Data Officer
The Impact
The new widget has had a positive impact on the school because they no longer have to login to separate places to find information about their child’s attendance, behaviour, timetables and reports. All information can be obtained in a single view from the Frog dashboard.
“We’re enjoying using FrogParent with full functionality. Not only is it more convenient but it’s saving the school money because we are not paying for multiple systems.”
- Natalie Ward, Data Officer
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