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Parent Portal
This parent portal site template provides an area for parent users where they can access key information about their child and the school.
There are areas including:
- Notices
An area for important parent notices and useful links.
- School Calendar
Check school calendar events occurring.
- My Child's Information
An area for viewing important child information such as attainment, attendance, behaviour data and more. Please note your school must have FrogParent to access some/all of this information.
- Letters Home
An area for parents to download letters that would normally be posted or handed to students.
- School Policies & Newsletters
An area for parents to download school policies and newsletters.
- School Info
An area for viewing important school term & exam dates.
- Forum
An area to allow parents to start or join discussions in a private forum.
- Update Details
An area allowing parents to submit a form to inform the school of any contact details that need updating.
- Contact Us
An area containing contact details for different individuals at the school alongside a form allowing parents to submit questions they have.
Back to the Site Templates
Site Templates
Everyone with FrogLearn has access to Site templates, these can be accessed by following the instructiuons below:
1. On the FrogBar, click on the blue + button to the left of the search area.
2. On the pop-up select 'Site'.
3. Finally, on the following screen you are presented with a selection of Site templates - scroll through these to find the template that you require. On click you will then be able to tailor the site details as necessary.
Using templates
When you use a Site template, it creates a duplicate version of the original, if we make changes to our templates these will not be reflected in your versions. To help you further, all Site templates have guidance included as part of page content.
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