FrogSnap Training Course

4. Site Timeline Widget


Within a site it is possible for you to use a Site Timeline widget to share photos, videos, audio files and documents with students, staff and parents. The widget allows users to see a series of events (photos, videos, audio files, documents) in chronological order and comment on or like them. This new feature could be used for school trips, local sports day events, class exercises or even as a blog.

You can easily upload photos, video or audio files of work directly to a Site Timeline using the FrogSnap app.

When viewing a site in edit mode, drag on the Site Timeline widget into an active area on the page.

Users with "Can Contribute" permissions have the ability to like and comment on photos that have been sent to a Site Timeline widget. In order to like a photo a user needs only to click the heart icon below each media resource or comment. When a user likes a photo the number beside the heart increases by one and turns red for that logged in user, indicating they have liked that resource or comment. For each media resource, users can also leave comments. This is a great opportunity for peer review or just to engage users with your site.

Below is a video explaining the features of the Site Timeline widget.