FrogCode Widgets
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assignment_activity_handins.png  Assignment Activity Hand-ins


Produces a report to help spot when a child is hitting the hand-in button when they haven’t actually completed the assignment.


This widget was designed by John Parsons at Winston Churchill School, aimed at addressing the issue of students pretending to have no homework by handing them in without completing the activities.  While assignments can be reopened, it is awkward for a tutor or head of year to spot issues with individual students.  This tool works with the Select User widget to search for a student then display their assignments, when they handed each one in and if they completed all the activities.  The table can be copied to your clipboard for pasting into a spreadsheet.



As mentioned above, this widget uses the Select User widget to search for a student.  You can find this in Widgets > Advanced.


In order for this widget to work, the following Frog Developer Platform APIs must be enabled via Groups & Policies (either for the Staff Profile or a group)


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How to install a widget

If you are not sure how to install one of the FrogCode widgets please take a look at the following video tutorial....

Important Information

The Package Manager application is required to create and install FrogCode applications and widgets. By default, it is not available to any group, including Admins.  This can be added in Groups and Policies.

To create your own widgets, you will need to activate FrogCode Editor, please contact the Frog Support team. Call through on 01422 395939.