User Guide to Progress Reports

Age Related - Target

How does this calculation method work?


This calculation method is different from the other two age-related calculations in that; they work on the principle that 100% of what has either been taught or assessed must be at the target status or higher.

This calculation provides the flexibility for schools to define a target % of objectives that need to be at target status or higher for the student to be classed as AR.


The calculation works as follows: based upon the % target that you have defined, we work out how many objectives the student needs to have had assessed at target status or higher:

  • If they have equal to or greater than that number: the is student AR.
  • If they have less than that number: the student is BAR.


Here is an example of how this might work:
Based on this example, if there are 20 objectives (10 of which are specified as KPIs) students will be classed as working at age-related if they have been assessed at the target status or higher for the following numbers of objectives in each time:


Assessment Period Target % #KPIs needed to be AR
Autumn 1 20 2
Autumn 2 30 3
Spring 1 40 4
Spring 2 50 5
Summer 1 70 7
Summer 2 85 9


This Target can either be applied globally from the Curriculum Designer application > Assessment Standards > Assessment Cycles and Targets, or locally at the point of generating a report.

Targets can be applied to:

  • Age Related Contextual Groups vs Time
  • Age Related Students vs Time

By selecting the relevant Cycle, you can pre-populate the targets set from the Assessment Standards, alternatively you can add your own or amend the targets for this report.
