This widget was developed from the forums. Chris Langstaff from Holmfirth High initially posted the embed code required to enable OneDrive documents to be viewable on a site. Unfortunately this code required staff to use the HTML widget and understand how to adapt the embed code. This widget works as a shortcut to that process. All users have to do is paste the sharing link into the widget preference. This widget relies on OneDrive's sharing settings. If Microsoft alter their sharing controls, this widget may cease to function.
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How to install a widget
If you are not sure how to install one of the FrogCode widgets please take a look at the following video tutorial....
Important Information
The Package Manager application is required to create and install FrogCode applications and widgets. By default, it is not available to any group, including Admins. This can be added in Groups and Policies.
To create your own widgets, you will need to activate FrogCode Editor, please contact the Frog Support team. Call through on 01422 395939.