(Updated 26/04/21 - Version 0.2.4)
This widget was initially developed for the Frog Academy Newspaper solution. It lists all the subpages of a top-tier menu. There are fours looks to the menu, with the page links presented either as :
- A vertical list
- A set of boxes, arranged horizontally, flowing onto the next line
- Lozenges, which displays the page's icon and looks like a Site Link widget
- A headlines-style view, which also displays the page's icon
To see screenshots of the widget and discussion, click here to view the forum thread
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How to install a widget
If you are not sure how to install one of the FrogCode widgets please take a look at the following video tutorial....
Important Information
The Package Manager application is required to create and install FrogCode applications and widgets. By default, it is not available to any group, including Admins. This can be added in Groups and Policies.
To create your own widgets, you will need to activate FrogCode Editor, please contact the Frog Support team. Call through on 01422 395939.