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frogstore FrogStore

Explore a catalogue of solutions and educational content provided as standard with Frog...

Welcome to the Physics revision video playlist
A great resource from I Teach Boys on Twitter: @ITeachBoys92
A year 11 lesson on the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
A FrogAcademy+FrogCode solution. Present your staff with an easy to follow list of all the policies and training you…
A pre-made policy template designed with submissiosn and approval buttons
Created with the Willows School, Swalcliffe School and Canterbury School, this ePortfolio solution was created to…
A site to record and monitor a project
A Site built around the classic J.B. Priestley novel 'An Inspector Calls'
Listen and join in
Practice ratio and proportion
Steamline your photocopying by using this site where staff can upload work to be printed for their students
Exam preparation help
"A FrogAcademy+FrogCode solution. The Arbor School and St Piran's School helped us design this solution, which uses…
A teaching resource full of advice for staying safe online
A portal designed to help educate despite having to close the school in an emergency


Have you got a great resource that you would like to share with the our community of schools? Let us know and we will get it onto the FrogStore...

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