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frogstore FrogStore

Explore a catalogue of solutions and educational content provided as standard with Frog...

A FrogAcademy+FrogCode solution. The Bow School helped us design this easily adaptable, dynamic directory of all staff,…
Help & support for staff
A student-friendly, student-focussed dashboard, with lots of areas for you to tailor to your school
A space for your head girl and head boy to share information and gather opinions
Everything you need for your Student Council, including an election form
A guide to connecting to school PCs from home
Babes In The Wood poem
Explore the outer depths of our solar system!
A site for your next school production
Site helping us to learn the times table!
Compare modern and Tudor buildings and look at the way the buildings were used and how they were built
Taking inspiration from Twitter, this solution combines Site Timeline widgets with FrogSnap to provide a safe and secure…
Welcome to the U.S. Government & Politics revision video playlist
Welcome to the U.S. Government & Politics revision video playlist
Better understanding of the numerous health benefits of exercise


Have you got a great resource that you would like to share with the our community of schools? Let us know and we will get it onto the FrogStore...

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