Frog Education currently reach out to our customers and friends through a set of three blog channels. Each one has a different purpose, to help you understand a little more we have highlighted these below...
Frog Schools Go Virtual
For many Frog schools, moving to a virtual school model of operation is nothing new. Frog works with schools around the world and our community has encountered closure through everything from natural disasters, to severe weather patterns and even social upheaval.
The purpose of The Frog Blog is to send out regular posts that share some of the best practise from our family of schools.
Frog Ribbits
The purpose of the Frog Ribbits is to inform, inspire and encourage use of your Frog platform. So, we will show you...
- what you've got in Frog
- what's coming next in Frog
- what good looks like using Frog
Each Thursday, you'll get a new Ribbit in your inbox - over time, the library of Ribbits has grown, so you can choose to view now or read later at your leisure or even share with a colleague.
Frog News
Keeping you up to date with the latest company news, educational thought pieces and comments on events that relate to school life.
Inspiration to your inbox!