
Salesian College

1 Frog Introduction

Salesian College have had Frog as their VLE since 2013, initially working with a basic structure which has since been developed into a hub for notices, setting homework and creating/sharing resources. 

“It’s really intuitive to build, doesn’t take long and when you’ve learnt something once, it is easy to follow it again and again.”

2 School Introduction

Walkthrough of the chosen structure in Frog, including main interface, department sites and extra-curricular sites.  

3 How to structure your VLE

“Crucial for me as a history teacher, is developing that love of learning and intellectual curiosity and fostering that in our students. We’re able to do all of that through Frog.”

4 Uses of the VLE

“We decided to go textbook-free and instead build online textbooks.”

5 Summing up

1 - Online resources are a great way to advertise the department. 

2 - Important to have a clear structure for the department to work with. 

3 - The VLE is a great support for teachers in the department and also for non-specialist teachers. 

4 - Frog is invaluable for supporting students with learning, extended learning, and peer assessments. 


RWL | Blended Learning

10 November, Online

Bringing you different perspectives on a range of topics under a blended learning focus – based on the all-important parent community. 

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