Case Study

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FrogPlay gives me confidence

Hungerhill School

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Lok-Yi Tang is a Year 7 student at Hungerhill School.  She is our overall highest using player of FrogPlay.  

FrogPlay is an excellent online revision tool that supports home learning and lets students test their knowledge and improve on core subjects provided in schools.


See it in action

Lok-Yi explains why she likes FrogPlay so much

"In my opinion, Frog Play allows me to build up confidence, which gives me the chance to engage in classes also show teachers what I’m capable of and know how much I know of a certain topic. What motivates me to play on FrogPlay every day is I want to be successful in
life and achieve something that I never could dream of. Ever since Frog Play was introduced to the whole school, I played non-stop and it improved my scores every time I click on a  subject.


Lok-Yi's avatar on the leaderboards

At Frog we’re delighted to hear stories like this from your students. Lok-Yi sums up perfectly what lots of students tell us, namely that FrogPlay encourages them to keep returning to improve their scores.

Lok-Yi told us that by playing through the quizzes, she knows a lot of the
answers her teachers ask in class. This has encouraged her to engage more in
class discussions.

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Jo Sowerby, Head of Year 9 at Frederick Gough School has created a short video tutorial of how to use their quiz system.
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St Andrews Catholic School in Leatherhead is a large secondary school and sixth form college. They use FrogLearn as their Learning Management System and website.

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