Our Training Guides
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Implementing Progress

To help you during the implementation process, we've created a five step checklist. When you've completed all five, you're ready for your Frog trainer. They'll help you to integrate Progress with your assessment plans.

Progress Implementation



End/Start-of-year Tasks

If you want to find out how to reassign sites to your new class, or transfer classes to a new teacher, or simply manage the MIS import during the year rollover, this is the site for you!



MIS Extractors

Get access to all our MIS Extractors for linking up your Frog learning platform to Groupcall, iSAMS, Progresso, SIMS, and WCBS PASS.

Open Hub


A tutorial about analysing data extracted from Progress
Standardisation and moderation in Frog Progress.
The addition of contextual data within FrogProgress is a key feature of the Newton release
A guide for Non-SIMS schools
Track objectives that haven't been assessed
An overview of Reports within FrogProgress
How to remove judgements in the Student Tracker
How to Upload and Approve
How to create Individual and Class targets
Using the FrogProgress mobile app to capture evidence
'Introducing My Child's Progress', a letter for parents


A summary of the five steps to Progress success.