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Gosforth Academy is a large high school located in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for ages 13 to 18. The school is part of the Gosforth Group Multi-Academy Trust. Adrian Tate is an ICT teacher and the school’s VLE Co-ordinator.
The Challenge
With a traditional Options evening not possible, the school was looking for a digital route that students could follow to help them view and understand their personalised pathways. Additionally they wanted a way to be able to accept GCSE Options.
The Solution
Bespoke Frog Site
Frog Page Widget
HTML Widget
Although the school had created the bulk of the site already, they needed support to display the correct pages to parents and students based on pathways.
Taking inspiration from the Frog Academy ‘Options Portal’ solution – a ready-made site that enables schools to move their printed GCSE options online, with a form to collect student choices - Gosforth Academy built upon their own site using Rules to highlight academic and vocational subjects based on student groups.
They created groups for the Year 9 students with different pathway names and then used Rules to ensure only the relevant choices appeared to each individual.
As some subjects may appear in multiple pathways, rather than replicating the information, the Frog Page Widget was used to display each subject’s content wherever applicable.
Frog supported by supplying some code for a HTML widget that also opened up a pupil’s pathway options to their parents.
The Impact
All Year 9 students can now view just the subjects appropriate for their pathways and so can easily make informed choices for Year 10. Administration is much lighter as the school can download spreadsheets for all students by the Options deadline, without the need for data entry which can introduce errors.
“GCSE Options is one of the most important decisions a student makes. We set out to ensure students and parents are given the most comprehensive support during this process, with access to bespoke subject information based on individual pathways, forms set up to ask questions of department staff and ultimately a way to complete their tailored Options form. Frog allowed us to do that all in one site.”
Adrian Tate, VLE Coordinator
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