Case Study
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PRAISE for improved behaviour system
Gosforth Academy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
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Gosforth Academy is a large high school located in Newcastle-upon-Tyne for ages 13 to 18. The school is part of the Gosforth Group Multi-Academy Trust. Adrian Tate is an ICT teacher and the school’s VLE Co-ordinator.
The Challenge
Removing cost and time inefficiency from the school’s PRAISE system
The school had developed a system using a SIMs gradebook to record positive behaviour stamps. This allowed them to track students as they pass point thresholds. Initially, they printed certificates on quality card, the headteacher signed each one and the cards were distributed during tutor times. Pupils responded well, the school’s PRAISE scheme was a success and they quickly found they were printing in excess of 3,000 cards per year. Not only was this costing money in terms of card stock and printer ink but also administration time.
The Solution
Simplified process using automation with Rules
Adrian created a spreadsheet which allowed him to quickly sort students into groups based on how many points they have. Compared to the lengthy process of old, now just once a week, Adrian updates the students user accounts in Frog. The spreadsheet is used to place them into the appropriate group.
The groups are named Bronze, Silver and Gold. They use Rules to display the appropriate badge to each student, with a congratulatory message. To extend this for parents to view, Frog demonstrated how the HTML widget could be utilised so they could share in their child’s success.
The Impact
Successful PRAISE system expands!
The scheme has been so successful with engaging their students that Gosforth has added additional awards, Platinum, Diamond etc… to enable students to earn more and more stamps for good behaviour. Adrian is currently sharing his solution with other schools in the Trust.
“Although we have been running the PRAISE system for a number of years on card, moving to a digital system has enabled us to simplify the process. As well as saving time and money, both parents and students can now see their progress though the awards system whenever they log onto Frog!”
Adrian Tate, VLE Coordinator
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