Focus on the individual!
Aim high for your pupils with Frog solutions that provide support from transition year through to revision and exams. Track students at an individual level and focus learning where it matters most for progression.
Connect parents with whole-school communications and messaging
All teaching and learning tools in one place
Fast homework setting with full marking and reporting capability
Streamline office administration via the Frog Academy solutions
Just the tip of the Frog iceberg...
Your multi-solution school learning platform is here.
We exist to effect change in education, challenge the status quo and build technology that makes a real difference to school-life. Our multi-talented learning platform FrogLearn delivers a wide range of practical solutions that provide unrivalled support at every level within your school - but this is just one of our products...
The discussions that matter...
We know all schools are unique, yet the discussions, challenges and problems that all schools face are common - Frog can support you in many situations that you face and we want to let you know how we can help...

The purpose of TheFrogAcademy is to share ideas and co-create real, practical solutions that will have a positive impact on teaching and learning.